Pas encore été voir Le Seigneur des Anneaux — mais ça ne saurait tarder, et deux salles à Lyon le proposent en V.O. —, mais ça ne doit pas être si mauvais que ça, ce film, si j’en juges par les réactions de certaines personnes, hum, digne de confiance, disons…
Jan Michael Straczynski:
Saw it yesterday afternoon (with Harlan, who was there to review it for F&SF) at a theater in Sherman Oaks, and it’s about as perfect a movie as I’ve ever seen. It was everything I hoped it would be, and just what I always saw in my mind’s eye as I read the books. I will almost certainly go back to see it again, especially once they begin running the trailer for The Two Towers sometime later in the run.
(en plus il était avec Harlan Ellison?! Qui de toute évidence n’a pas hurlé non plus)
Saw Lord of the Rings last night, and thought it was thoroughly wonderful. It was a movie in its own right, and it mapped so strangely onto my own mental Fellowship of the Ring: my Saruman is not Christopher Lee, although he was astonishing; my Gandalf, on the other hand, is the one in the film portrayed by Ian McKellan. Jackson had done an amazing job of staying faithful to the book in all the right ways.
I would have liked to have seen more of the world from a hobbit’s point of view: the Elves gain so much in the book from Sam’s delight in and obsession with them, for example.
When I was a kid you’d get amazingly faithful BBC adaptations of classic books — eight or twelve one-hour episodes to build a minor Victorian novel, recreating all its felicities. Sometimes I found myself sighing for that. But not often… Because how often do you get taken into a personal vision, by a group of people who care enough about the vision to create it, and to recreate it, in detail and in nuance?
The film of Lord of the Rings is a map to the territory which, every now and again, becomes the territory itself. And if half of the kids who walked out of it last night going « Huh? What kind of an end was that? » go and get the books to find out what happens next, I’ll be happy. Reading Lord of the Rings can be — possibly should be — an initial journey to a world as real and dense as this one.